Recently my husband got me interested in reading some of Deepak Chopra books. For those who do not know who Deepak Chopra is, he is a M.D. and widely known spiritual leader/author who has written a number of books on spiritual guidance. If any of you have read him, then you will know that he stresses the importance of remaining positive. For some, like myself, this can be a difficult task. Though if we try, the benefits are astounding!
If we can just say no to having negativity in our lives, think of how much happier we will be--how much better our world will be. So many times we use negativity and we don't even know it. Whether it is to make ourselves look better or feel important, it is still wrong. Gossip and back biting become so much of a focus in our lives that we don't even see it and realize that we ourselves are not happy. And isn't that the real goal here? To be happy? I like to think so.
A few weeks ago, a co-worker of mine approached me at the start of our shift at a local retirement facility. She seemed very distraught, her whole body was rigid with agitation. Right away I sensed that she was upset with some of the other staff. The words that came from her mouth were nothing but complaints and criticism targeting those that, she felt, did her wrong. Instead of joining in with her and complaining about these people, I calmly told her (as best as I could without criticizing or condemning her) that maybe if she took a step back and looked at the situation from the other person's point of view that maybe she could resolve the problem.
At first she just stared at me as though I were crazy and then continued on bantering our fellow co-workers. I gave her a few more helpful tips on dealing with difficult people before bluntly saying to her,
"Lets remain positive here." That got her attention. I smiled brightly at her and then said in a comical but serious kind of way "Just say no to negativity!"
She returned my smile with one of her own and then nodded to me, "you know your right! I am negative, maybe if I just talk with the person," she went on to explain as her mind conjured up a solution, "maybe together we can fix this," she replied.
"See," I responded.
She smiled and walked away, no longer so negative but more upbeat and positive.
Not only did she go on to have a really good rest of the shift once she resolved the situation, but she felt better about herself because she had fixed a problem with someone that didn't even know they had did her wrong.
All I did was tell her "Just say no to negativity!"
I know it's not always easy to be positive and not every situation will be easy to resolve. Too many people around us make this hard to achieve, but if we try the results will surprise you. If we pay more attention to what we say and how we say it, then we will not only be helping ourselves to be happy, but the people around us as well.
Just remember we are all part of one universe. What you say about someone else, really is a comment about your own self. For in me I will see you and in you I will see me. Think of that the next time you go to criticize or condemn someone.
What Kind of Editing Do You Need?
5 days ago
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